Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Commander of The Lord's Army

This was a dream I had on July 3, 2010:

The Commander of the Lord's army came to inspect His troops. He looked at many things, then left. A staff meeting was held where we discussed the main deficiency he found, which was our conversations. We were giving the enemy a big advantage in the careless things we said. An order went out to the troops to reign in thoughtless or critical conversation.

It was as if our words were giving the enemy information they didn't have, which was then used against us. Almost as if the enemy didn't know our weaknesses, until someone among our ranks revealed it.

Just as when the commander of The Lord's army paid Joshua a visit before their battle for Jericho, we've had a similar visit. (see Josh 5:14)

From this visit I would conclude:

1) We are not in the battle yet, but it's approaching.
2) The Lord's eyes are on us and He is aware of what we're doing and saying.
3) We have need of come correction before the battle begins..
4) The Lord would not be personally involved in a battle that would end in defeat.
5) We can be assured that victory will be the result, if we follow the orders of the Commander.


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